Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is a Blog?

One of the commonest, all time questions people have about "blogging" is the simple question...
 What is a Blog or What is Blogging?

Well, this series is dedicated not only to answering that question, but its going to reveal to you how simple and straight forward the art of "blogging is. 

You see, following my interactions with different levels of bloggers ( newbie bloggers, intermediate bloggers, and pro bloggers), I thought to myself...

People just need an excellent guide that's simple to understand, yet adds real value.

So... let's get started!

Blogging, simply put, is a way of making an entry on a blog.  The word blog is derived from weblog, which means an online journal - a record or an entry on the web.  The term weblog was coined by Jorn Barger in 1997, while blog was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999.

Today, both noun and verb forms of the word blog are in usage.  As a verb, to blog means to make a post or edit your weblog.

The person who makes the entry on the blog is known as a blogger.  Weblogs also called blogs can be written by one or more bloggers, and the entries are basically in reverse chronological order - from the most recent to the oldest. 

Blogs are updated multiple times a day, a week or a month, while others are rarely.

What makes blog different from other forms of web publishing are the personalities behind them.  They (blogs) are written by individuals (bloggers) who are perceived as 'unedited' personal voices. 

Bloggers have different goals, uses, or writing styles.  Often, a blog reflects the author's personalities and values.

Writing a blog
offers the author (web blogger) immediate access to readers, who are allowed to make their own comments or links to topics and other websites relevant to the entry.  This interaction allows bloggers to create a community of bloggers or blogs called blogosheres, that is, groups centered around specific niches or interests or location .  For example, medblogs (weblogs about health and medicine), edulogs (educational weblogs), blawgs (law-related weblogs),  indian bloggers, malaysian bloggers, nigerian bloggers, etc.  These uses indicate that blogs could be useful in supporting ones work.

So, why not consider blogging?

You can now see that a blog is an online journal or records in reverse chronological order, updated frequently and reflecting the author(s) personalities and values


blogger said...

wonderful blog, checkout my blog at