Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Know the Widths of Your Blog Header, Main Column and Side Bars

In this post you would learn, how to know and modify the widths of your blogger header, main column and side bars.  We are using the latest blogger template HTML editor in this tutorial.  First, note that your blog's width can be declared in % form (fluid width template) or in px (pixels) (fixed width). Fluid width template, unlike fixed width, adjusts to the screen resolution of the visitor's computer screen when viewing your blog.

As the main goal of this blog post is to guide you through editing of the widths of your blog header, main column and side bars, We shall be focusing on only the width modifications here. You can however learn basic CSS (cascading style sheets) and modify the style of any section as you desire. A link to learn CSS shall be included here soon.

NOTE: Back up your current template before you do any modifications!
  1.  (a) Log in to  Blogger 
  1. (b) On your blogger dashboard, go to Template->, and click on Edit--->HTML (as shown in the diagram below by green and grey arrows)    
  2.                                                                                   For the remainder of this tutorial, we shall be referring to this blogspot blog:  Blog Customization
  3. In progress.....